The office of the Special Envoy is composed of eight units: 

Special Envoy Unit: overall responsibility  for political liaison, overall implementation, response monitoring and fundraising under the RMRP, as well as all other activities related to IOM's response. This unit is also responsible for promoting strategic partnerships and identifying funding and corporate social responsibility (CSR) opportunities with the private sector,  and multilateral banks, in line with the development of the RMRP and the donor conference.  

Inter-Agency Coordination Unit: co-leadership of the R4V platform together with UNHCR, coordination with UN agencies and Civil Society Organisations involved in the response to the situation in Venezuela. 

Inter-Governmental Processes and Civil Society Liaison Unit: follow-up and facilitation of the implementation of the Plan of Action of the Quito Process and the Declarations and roadmap approved by the countries participating in the process. The Unit is the primary liaison point with regional intergovernmental organisations such as Mercosur and the Andean Community (CAN). It also coordinates visibility and collaborative actions with civil society organisations. 

Technical Management and Operation Unit: responsible for the management, coordination and oversight of regional projects under the RMRP in South America, North America, Central America, and the Caribbean, working closely with implementing missions and Regional Offices. The unit provides technical guidance to country missions on project implementation, with a focus on socio economic integration and victims of trafficking, as well as information management. The unit is also in charge of leading and implementing a focused fundraising strategy to support project development efforts for Venezuela's mixed flows. It is responsible for project development, reporting, monitoring and evaluation, and donor liaison support to IOM country offices in the region and IOM Venezuela.  

Resource Management Unit: management of the financial, human resources and administrative functions of the OSE and oversight of country office activities related to resource management under the RMRP. 

Communications Unit: leadership and coordination of IOM communications for 17 countries in Latin America and the Caribbean operating under the RMRP framework. The Unit provides technical support to the Special Envoy and Country Offices on communications issues related to the response to Venezuela.  

It manages all news releases and multimedia content disseminated on the Organization’s digital platforms including the bilingual website and its social media accounts. It provides editorial and harmonization guidance and provides audio-visual content to the global media library.